

6767 Uppsatser om Cockpit design standards - Sida 1 av 452

Distribuerad kognition i cockpit Nu och Då

Denna studie replikerar Hutchins studie 1995 ?How a cockpit remember its speed?, för att undersöka skillnader och likheter i dagens cockpits.Syftet med studien är att ta reda på ifall dagens cockpit distribuerar kognitionen på samma sätt som förr det vill säga används till exempel fartbuggar och andra artefakter på liknande sätt. Samt att ta reda på om det har ändrats mycket hur detta då påverkar cockpit kommer ihåg hastighet inför landning.För att få reda på detta så har observationer gjorts i cockpit under landning. Sammanlagt så observerades sex landningar. Under dessa observationer intervjuades också piloterna om hur de hade beskrivit cockpits minne av hastigheter.Resultatet i studien visar att det finns mycket som fortfarande fungerar på liknande sätt som tidigare.

Dimensionering av grundläggning med hjälp av Eurokod

AbstractWork to develop the Eurocodes started in 1975 by the European Commission adopted a program to eliminate trade barriers within the construction area. The goal was to create common European design standards that would replace the member countries' own rules. Eurocodes will replace The National Board of Housing Building and Planning, National Rail, The National Road Administration and other agencies' calculation rules for the buildings structures. The transition to the use of Eurocodes looks like this:Eurocodes set to Swedish standards  between 2002 ? 2007They can be used parallel with national standards 2006 - 2009 The total transition is at the end of 2010/2011.Right now is going on a lot of work for replacement of the existing standards to Eurocodes.  The transition to the new calculations` standards, many construction companies and consulting firms facing a big changes and competitions.

En jämförelse mellan fyra olika energisystemlösningar : För ett hus byggt efter passivhusstandard i Karlstad

AbstractWork to develop the Eurocodes started in 1975 by the European Commission adopted a program to eliminate trade barriers within the construction area. The goal was to create common European design standards that would replace the member countries' own rules. Eurocodes will replace The National Board of Housing Building and Planning, National Rail, The National Road Administration and other agencies' calculation rules for the buildings structures. The transition to the use of Eurocodes looks like this:Eurocodes set to Swedish standards  between 2002 ? 2007They can be used parallel with national standards 2006 - 2009 The total transition is at the end of 2010/2011.Right now is going on a lot of work for replacement of the existing standards to Eurocodes.  The transition to the new calculations` standards, many construction companies and consulting firms facing a big changes and competitions.

Information för beslutsunderlag i trafiksituationer inom sjöfarten - hur hanterar vi den?

I detta examensarbete har jag undersökt förmågan hos nautiker att ta fram och tillgodogöra sig information från radar och ARPA för sitt beslutsunderlag i trafiksituationer. Syftet var att få förståelse i om fartygsbefäl haft svårigheter att få fram denna mycket relevanta information. Detta gjordes med hjälp av förstudier i form av intervjuer med erfarna fartygsbefäl. Dessa intervjuer gav kriterier som möjliggjorde analyseringen av 13 olycksfallsrapporter, vilket utgjorde litteraturstudien. Dessa rapporter var författade av engelska Department of Transport, Marine Investigation Branch(MAIB), Statenshaverikommission(SHK) och  Sjöfartsverkets rapportserie(SjöfR).

SimAnalyzer: Implementation av ett verktyg för analys av registrerad data från flygsimulator

Detta arbete har som utgångspunkt att specificera, implementera och utvärdera ett verktyg som har som syfte att ta fram resultat från frågeställningar mot registrerade data från flygplanssimulator. Detta görs genom framtagning av kravspecifikation och en iterativ programutvecklingsmetod. Ett utvärderingstest i simulator utfördes för att samla data som sedan analyserades med verktyget. Detta för att undersöka om det går att hitta tillfällen där hög kognitiv belastning upplevdes..

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

Application of Design for Safer Urban Roads and Junctions: Selected Countermeasures

Road design with focus to safety has been extensively developed in last decades in Nordic and some other EU countries with the main aim to achieve a decrease in a number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. These countries gained many valuable experiences, but they had to sacrifice great effort, expenses, and time to reach the present art-of-state. The purpose of the Master?s Thesis is to review some design approaches with focus to safety and discuss the general way that they may be applied. The Master?s Thesis studies safety in three levels: (i) general - design standards, national safety policies and road hierarchy; (ii) local authority and road administrator; and (iii) three specific safety countermeasures - junctions, pedestrian crossings and traffic calming.

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

Fria och öppna programvaror inom kommunal verksamhet : Vägen mot öppna standarder?

This report deals with the attitudes within municipalities of open source software and open standards and if open source software may be an option to gain open standards. The aim has been to find out if open source software and open standards would be able to solve the lock-in problems that municipalities have against proprietary software. The study is conducted as an exploratory, inductive and qualitative study with depth interviews of subjectively selected informants as data collection method. A literature review has also been implemented by the relevant books and articles. Some economic determinants of municipalities to make use of open source software have not been considered in this study.

Maskinsäkerhetsstandarder och lönsamhet : Profitability of standardisation and safety of machinery

The composing of new standards in the area of machinery safety is a continuous work which aims at writing standards that works as a tool for companies and enables them to control if the fundamental demands of security and health which is prescribed by law are reached. It is optional for the companies to choose if they want to use the standards. This report is written in cooperation with SIS and the study were performed within the technical committee SIS/TK 282. The report aims to investigating if the companies that choose to use standards see any economic advantages due to this work, how these advantages take form and where they originate. The main question formulation is how the profitability among companies that have adjusted their production to machinery safety standards are affected. The study was performed with an initial literature study which aimed at obtaining knowledge and an overview over the subject as well as investigate what former studies had resulted in.

Användarvänlig design av bibliotekskataloger på webben.

The aim of this thesis is to study a number of standards and theories, from the two research areas human-computer interaction and psychology, about how a graphical user interface (GUI) should be composed in order to facilitate interaction between humans and computers. Special emphasis is put on how the GUI should take into consideration the strengths and limitations of human cognition and perception. A study of three web catalogues shows how these theories appear when concretised. The following questions are answered in this thesis:What guidelines and styleguides can be found that specify the design of a user-friendly GUI?How do a few library catalogues on the web match a selection of these design principles?The guidelines are extracted from literature concerning human-computer interaction, psychology, automated library systems and web design.

Centrala designprinciper för touch-baserade stödsystem : Sju grundsatser för design av användbara stödsystem med touchbaserat användargränssnitt

Touch-baserad teknik har sedan 2007 tagit allt större utrymme bland tekniska artifakter och många kända namn inom teknikbranschen har klivit fram och konstaterat i mer eller mindre dramatiska ord att det vi känner som "PC", persondator, är på väg att förändras i och med detta teknikskifte. Vissa organisationer, däribland kommuner och landsting, har börjat använda pekplattor som dokumentersättare för bl.a. mötesprotokoll. SAS (Scaninavian Airlines) använder tekniken i cockpit i liknande ändamål. Det förväntas inte dröja särskilt länge innan vinstdrivande organisationer lyfter gränssnittet till sina interna stödsystem.

Användbarhetens roll i de mobila webbshopparna

This paper reports a study on the usability of e-commerce accessed through smartphones. There is much research in the usability of mobile interfaces and many sets of design patterns have been created but a few studies are available for specific domains, and in this report we focus on mobile e-commerce. In this study a framework is developed for how to design mobile e-commerce interfaces with a high degree of usability. Furthermore, the study also contributes a method to how other specific domain can develop a framework with general standards to work from when creating a web interface. By examining two sets of design principles and 14 design patterns, we evaluate which ones are critical in the design of a mobile e-commerce interface for achieving a high degree of usability.

Anpassningar till standardisering inom Software Configuration Management : En fallstudie om standardisering inom mjukvarukonfigurationshantering

Change is inevitable when software is built and deployed. It?s not particularly problematic to manage change if there is just one system. But in a large global IT organization, with several systems and people who develop, problems may arise. If organizations don?t control change, change will control the organization.

Design comparison between HiperLAN/2 and IEEE802.11a services

This paper is a study and comparison between the two Wireless LAN (WLAN) standards HiperLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a. WLANs are used instead or together with ordinary LANs to increase mobility in for example an office. HiperLAN/2 is an European standard developed by ETSI and the IEEEs standard is American. A WLAN-card consists roughly of a Medium Access Control (MAC), Physichal layer (PHY) and an antenna. The antenna is the same for the different standards.

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